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1. Books

2. Combos

3. Skills

4. Leadership (War-Strategy)

5. Language

6. Polymorph

Reading one of these books can fail, but - very, very often - it can improve one of your specific skills when reading it successfully. All books disappear after reading.

Skill books (e.g.: Dragon-shoot Skill book) are dropped by Metins. In order to increase Grand Master Skills, you will need Soulstones. The books from the chests have allegedly a higher chance of success, they are, however, "Large Master Books".

The remaining books seem to be a random drop from monsters too, since many players got the books of perfectly different monsters.

ITEM Drop from? Info
|| Mining Guide || all monsters ||Successful reading will increase the mining level.||
|| Horse Riding Manual || all monsters ||Successful reading of this book increases the available horse skills. The book disappears after reading||
|| Horse Taming Manual || all monsters ||Successful reading of this book increases the skill of calling your horse.||


Starting from level 30 one can read one of the books. Starting from level 50 then second. The impact sequence increases each time by an impact.

ITEM Drop from? Info
|| Combo Mastery || all monsters ||A tactics book that is used to train Combos. The book disappears after reading.||
|| Combo Master Book || all monsters ||The advanced tactics book is used used to train Combos. The book disappears after reading.||
|| Art of Combo || all monsters ||The master tactics book is used to train Combos.||


ITEM Drop from? Info
||Skill Book (for Master) ||Skill books can be dropped by all Metins. The larger the level difference to the Metin is, the more likely a successful drop. ||Skills||
||Manual corresponds to a skill book || From Gold Treasure Chest, Gold Treasure Chest+ or Book Day ||Use it, in order to master a certain of Skill.||

Background.pngSkill Book.png