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Offline Shop & Channel Switch System - Update 31.01.23

Dear players,

On 31.01.2023 at 19:00-19:05 CET, server will have a short maintenance to introduce the new systems: Offline Shop and Channel Switch. You will need to update your client in order to continue to play on Old Metin2, otherwise the game will kick you while trying to log in.

Offline Shop System The system works pretty simple, you can set a maximum of 8 days of open shop. You have to press Y to open the off shop window, on AZERTY keyboards you have to press Z. The off shop name can be changed. You have the possibility to make an offer and also the off shop have a deposit functionality for unsold items (using the off shop unsold items deposit as normal deposit is not allowed, in case you bug your off shop windows, and it keeps loading from overflowing the deposit you will get banned 7 days). The off shop will appear in all kingdoms and can be accessed from everywhere. There is also a search function for items with advanced filters, works only in English.

Some rules The game rules apply for off shop as well, additionally we have added: Permanent ban for trying to insult a player or the team using the off shop name. Temporary 7 days ban for overflow the off shop deposit with useless items. You can also get temporary or permanent ban for any kind of scams or attempts, including 1m left on exp rings, emotion masks, etc.

Some items can't be sold in off shop. You can keep using the normal shop as well, this system is an addition and doesn't affect the gameplay. Please don't spam the off shops with useless items and make other people hard to find what they need for!

Channel Switch System The Channel Switch system brings you to a chosen channel (1,2,3 or 4) or any of those available channels just by pressing a button, the system can be found by pressing ESC until the Settings/Options windows pop-up or just by pressing the setting button on the left-side down corner of the game client. -There are no special rules for this system, just don't abuse it to disturb other player, otherwise you risk a temporary 3 days ban.

That's all for now,

Old Metin2 Team.

[FIX] Thread about small fixes.

Dear players,

Old Metin2 will release a series of small patch fixes, to make sure you won't miss any news about the latest changes we'll post them here, in a list.

02.02.2023 at 15:00 RO The server is now moved to a new hosting location, more reliable for every player in Europe, fixed lag, latency and connection problems with the server. Advanced functions for server, from now on we don't need to restart the server anymore, for stuff like changes in regen, drop, shops, etc… The Metinstones from other maps got the same improvement with 1 second respawn time. Fix for lag FPS while around a lot of mobs. Drop for Enchant Item and Reinforce item, more details Enchant_Item & Reinforce_Item. This changes will apply after maintenance.

28.01.2023 at 16:23 RO The error regarding the language change PatchUpdater.exe is missing was fixed. 02.02.2023 at 15:00 RO The server is now moved to a new hosting location, more reliable for every player in Europe, fixed lag, latency and connection problems with the server. Advanced functions for server, from now on we don't need to restart the server anymore, for stuff like changes in regen, drop, shops, etc.. The Metinstones from other maps got the same improvement with 1 second respawn time. Fix for lag FPS while around a lot of mobs.

This changes will apply after maintenance.

Patch 11.02.2023 QoL & Suggestions

Dear players,

This patch focus more on gaming experience and corrections, we take every suggestion seriousley and we want to thank you for your feedback, some corrections and game play changes will apply gradually to assure the good functionality of the game, if any suggestion made on forum/discord is not here yet, this means the team still work on it or we rejected that suggestion. All this been said, let's begin with this week patch news.

Drop corrections Soul Stone - drop rate has been lowered (from metin stones) and bosses drop has been lowered with 50%. Metin of Shadow - from metin stones lv. 45 and above you can drop with a very low chance Exorcism Scroll.

Quality of Life changes Spirit Stones - Spirit Stones have now a new functionality: upgrade. The stones can now be upgraded at Seon-Pyeong for 750.000 Yang from +0 to +4 with a 30% chance of success. Hint: The Dragon Scroll works on stones from +0 to +3. Make sure to divide Spirit Stones before hand them over to Seon-Pyeong. This change will help reduce the yang inflation. Censoring - some words reported by some of you indicate that there's a mistake in censoring the word Jesus Christ for EN language, now this issue was fixed. Goddess Doll - This item will stop gaining experience while active. It's available for 1.000.000 Yang at General Store Saleswoman and last 14 days, the time will go even you are online or not. Metin Stones - added more stones on every map, starting with map1/map2 the respawn time is 5 minutes and increases with every other map.

Restrictions Because of the Golden Horse Medal abuse the Horse Image will get level use restrictions, this mean you can't use Normal Horse until level 25, Combat Horse if you are not level 35 and Military Horse if you are not level 50. Also the Golden Horse Medal will be restricted to make sure you can't skip the mission of getting the horse image. This restrictions are: Golden Horse Medal - can now be used only from level 25 and can't skip first mission or Horse Image missions and doesn't work for more than Horse of level 21. Horse Image - can now be used only from level 25. Combat Horse Book - can now be used only from level 35. Military Horse Book - can now be used only from level 50. You can request from a GM to lower your horse level, if after the update your horse image doesn't work, this means you have already abused of the Golden Horse Medal and horse level lowering is the only compensation we give, we are not responsable of the players that abused of this item, because we had provide guidance into NOT skipping the horse image mission since the 1st day of the server start, all other requests will be ignored.

FaQ At your request we have created a frequently asked questions (FAQ) forum where the team will publish valueable content for your knowledge.

Other suggestions Monster bonus on Ninja & Chaman helmets - we'll keep the bonus on helmets for Ninja and Chaman as good feeback was recived from you, this change was taken because usually players makes Chaman for buff only and Ninja just for fun, now that classes are little more balanced we'd expect to see players playing Ninja and Chaman for more than fun or buff.

Event changes Moonlight Treasure Chest - was added as automatic, this mean this event will start and close by itself every Friday from 18:00 to 21:00 Bucharest time zone (or 17 to 20 CET).

For any problem please contact the Old Metin2 team. Remeber that Old Metin2 team never asks for your account ID or PASSWROD or any other informations related to your account.

Patch 21.02.2023 Suggestions & Improvements

Dear players,

As part of your suggestions we listen and make some changes to improve the game experience same as in the last patchnotes. OldMetin2 team wants to thank you for your constant support and feedback. This patch is more focused on drops and little adjustments. All this being said, let's see what's new!

Drop corrections Exorcism Scroll - the drop rate has been raised. Metin of Shadow - from metin stones lv. 45 and above you can drop with a very low chance Enchant Item and Reinforce Item. Soul Stone - the drop of Soul Stone has been reduced again. Green Strength - the drop was split in half. Lv. 75 weapons - the lv. 75 weapons from Grotto of Exile was removed, the only to get them is by doing Demon Tower run and kill the boss, from his chest you can obtain lv. 75 weapons. Lv. 75 stones - the drop of lv. 75 stones and above was raised.

Respawn changes Metin Stones - the metin stones had a rework since the last patchnotes and now the respawn and spawn area is normal. For Sohan Mountain was added 4 stones with 50 x 50 spawn zone to be more accesible.

This week exclusive content Reindeer Calf - you can have this adorable pet for a very limited period of time, for only 150 DR in item shop, it will give you 800 HP and lasts 30 days. Get yours now before it runs back to Lapland.

Item Shop changes Ring of Successor - added for 95 DR. Earrings of Harmony - added for 21 DR. Love Bracelet - added for 21 DR. Earrings of Love - added for 21 DR. Harmony Bracelet - added for 21 DR. Necklace of Love - added for 21 DR. Necklace of Harmony - added for 21 DR. Reinforce Item - added for 100 DR. Enchant Item - added for 150 DR.

  • if the quantity is not added this means price / item.

Other changes Error - the error about METIN2_CREATE_NO_APPROPIATE_DEVICE was fixed for computers using Windows 10 and above. OX Questions - the questions of OX Event was fixed and reworked. Account save - you have now the possibility to save up to 4 accounts for a fast login, if you save your account on slot 1 for example, you can just select the channel you want to connect to, then press F1 to automatic login on that selected channel. The account login informations are saved securely on your PC and can't be encrypted, so make sure you don't forget your password. Skill Books - new feature, you can now see the left time until reading a book.

If a suggestion is not here yet it means we didn't decide the way of implementing them into the game. That's all for now, if we miss something please remind us for the next maintenance to be added. Greetings, OldMetin2 Team.

Patch correction 24.02.2023

Dear players, This patch doesn't bring much changes and it's just a addon for Patch 21.02.2023 Suggestions & Improvements, this last patch include: Level display - if you advance +1 level it will instantly update and show the actual level of your character. Stability - some dead code was removed in order to improve client stability and performance. Error NO_APPROPIATE_DEVICE - after last fix, players with HP laptop/pc and integrated Intel graphic card reported the same problem, this fix must on all GPU's by now.

That's all for today.

Patch correction 27.02.2023

Dear players, Today's patch brings a few changes that comes in help to reduce lag created by FPS drop (like Demon Tower or other spots with a lot of mobs). Remember this patch is also another addon for Patch 21.02.2023 Suggestions & Improvements.

FPS Drop - now the FPS doesn't drop anymore while around a lof of mobs, before this problem caused a lot of lag and delay in hit. Shadows - Mobs shadows has been removed, it was useless and just makes the client heavy on memory and create lag aswell, now this will improve FPS. Anti - Hack Measures - As you might now, like any MMO game, OldMetin2 struggle with cheaters too, we do our best to block them in time and about 99% of times we block them before they leave map1 or reach level 15 or 20, after last maintenance we have implemented a few code that comes to block hacks functions. For the moment we still test this anti hack functions and improve it day by day, according to the results in the logs. After the test phase is done the anti hack functions will be fully active and the cheaters will be blocked instantly once they started the hack, without the intervention of a Game Master, however we'll still watch the logs constantly to make sure no one escapes.

If you notice any strange bug, client freeze, random kicks or any unusual game play changes please contact me describing what problem you face, your feedback is very important this days and help OldMetin2 a lot.

That's all for now. Greets,

OldMetin2 Team.

Patchnotes 06.03.2023 ~ Suggestions

Dear players,

We've been looking trough your suggestions and we took some of them for a quick patch, in addition to this patch we'll bring more changes in the next days, so keep a eye on Discord or on this theard. Let's begin with the changes...

QoL Changes Skill Books - As explained in the last patchnotes we bring a new possibility now, to check the time left until reading next Skill Book, it had a problem so we had to deactivate this feature, in the meantime we have fixed it and introduce it in today's patch. OX Event - Because a lot of you complain about the ox event, that you can't reach X or O because people block the line, we have introduced the no collision while in the arena for all participants. Block - You can now block a player and you won't see his texts on chat and he can't PM or add as a friend if blocked. You can block only a player that is online, you can do this on the status bar or either from PM window. Add Firend - You can now add a friend directly from the PM windows. Offline Shop - Offline Shop is now available just in City 1 and City 2 all kingdoms, to encourage interaction between players and avoid people using offshop as additional storage. Also the idea of the offline shop is to keep a shop online and sell, while you are offline. Companions - Now if you die from pvp/monsters and have your companion with you, he won't dissapear anymore.

That's all for now. We'll be back soon with more changes that are under development.

Regards, OldMetin2 Team.

Dear all, Here are some later changes for the same patchnotes. Fixed the issue on homepage while on Invite Friends page, now the whole menus are in place where it supposed to be. Registration of a new account is now done via captcha check box, instead of old metod with text input by user. The users/offline shop/ last 24h countdown is now live updated without refresh to the page. Top list 100 and top list 10 on page will display [H] and [MOD] as it should work, so the helpers and moderators of the server are visible in top too. Blessing of Life, God, etc. are now stackable. Reindeer Calf is now tradeable. The remaining time for reading a Skill Book was deactivated because of a issue. New event Fishing event | Mysterious Chest That's all for now, well be back with more changes asap.


OX Competition - Minimum level to participate is 20 and now you can walk trough other players.

Patchnotes 0.0.3

Dear players,

Starting from this patchnotes the name changes to keep a better track of changes, for example today's version is called Patchnotes 0.0.3, skipping the last 2 patches as being 0.0.1 and 0.0.2. Every time we release new changes and fixes the patch version will increase aswell. Let's begin with the last changes, fixes and news, available with today's patchnotes.

02 April Changes Gibberish translation for some words (such as add/remove friend) was fixed. From the Easter Metin of level 95 the Ice Witch was removed due to it's often spawn (OP spawn/drop). Lv. 70 weapons are now sellable.

02 April News 4 Inventory pages are now available (2 by default, 2 need to be unlocked).

Stones New Easter Metin stones implemented and available with a specific drop every Easter event. At stones 70+ reworked a little on drop, regarding the Exorcism Scroll, Enchant Item and Reinforce Item, the chances was a little raised.

Drop New drop for Easter Metin stones. The drop of Enchant Item and Reinforce Item was adjusted in general (stones 70+ raised and rework for drop in chests, making the things a little more fair farm-events). Drop of Blessing Marble was very little, lowered in all available chests. 02 April Blood Stone added as drop at Mighty Ice Witch and Ice Witch. Inventory Expansion & Inventory Expansion (t) can be obtained from Easter Event (both from Bunny and Basket with Easter Eggs), OX Event chests, Halloween Event (Pumpkin). More ways to obtain them in the next patchnotes.

Items We have introduced a few new content items available during events, you can find out more about this items below. Blessing Engraver Bewitching paintbrush that allows you to add an attribute to any equipment between level 1 and 40. It can only add a maximum of 4 attributes. Attribute Asset Mystic broom that consumes the attributes from one of your items and replaces them with new ones. It can only be used on equipment between level 1 and 40.

General Store Added Glass of Insight x10 for a price of 50.000 Yang for each piece (500.000 Yang in total for x10).

Others Glass of Insight, Magic Iron Ore can now stack. Teleport Scrolls are now tradeable. Goddess' Doll have now a correct description: A cursed Doll that stops you from reciving experience points once activated. It lasts for 14 days and the time is always running.

Item Shop Empty Basket available during the Easter event for 19 DR and 40 DM or else 8 VC. 02 April Inventory Expansion can now be purchase with DR, DM and VC.

That's all for today, if you have any questions/problems please contact the staff.


OldMetin2 Administration.

Patchnotes 0.0.4

Dear players,

Today we came back with a few news, let's begin with the lastest changes.

Drop Exorcism Scroll, Reinforce Item & Enchant Item from metin stones drop was raised in order to make it more competitive with drop events. Events Easter event & Easter stones are now over, you can still exchange left Easter Eggs and Empty Basket until next maintenance, you can also use Basket with Easter Eggs at any time. Changes Medal of the Dragon & Dragon Scroll are now stackable trough item drop for Dragon Scroll and trough item place over, item drop for Medal of the Dragon, this change will save up more space. Medal of the Dragon is now sellable, dropable, tradeable. Fixes Some classes had a problem with bonus apply while use polymorph marble, this issue has now been fixed and all classes get the same bonus while transformed (polymorph). That's all with the current changes, we'll be back in the reply if we have more add-ons to 0.0.4 patchnotes.


OM2 Team.

Patchnotes 0.0.5

Dear players,

Here is a list of last patch notes that will apply on both servers, Global & Trivia as follow: Respawn time for Ice Witch is now 8 hours instead of 3 hours; General Yonghan respawn time is now 3 hours instead of 20 minutes; Stones can't stack anymore, if you have stack of stones please separate them before use; Level 70 armours removed from Ice Witch & other monsters/boss drop to keep the Death Reaper drop instead; The drop of Soul Stone from Ice Witch was reduced by half; Blacksmith Handbook & Dragon Scroll drop was reduced overall to stop the inflations of this items on market; Thief`s Gloves (1h) can't be unequipped anymore and it does work with item shop bonus; Thief`s Gloves in game (item) fixed; Since our partner is no longer part of our team, [SA]BuLaN becomes [SA]Okami; From now on, you'd be able to switch between servers home page just by clicking on 'Select your server' beside the language bar; Voucher of DR fee was reduced with 50%, this are the prices/changes: 50 DR Voucher cost 80 DR > fee reduced by 50% > final price 65 DR. 100 DR Voucher cost 150 DR > fee reduced by 50% > final price 125 DR. 500 DR Voucher cost 700 DR > fee reduced by 50% > final price 600 DR. 1.000 DR Voucher cost 1.300 DR > fee reduced by 50% > final price 1.150 DR. OX Event was limited to only one account / player, if you try to connect with multiple accounts you get teleported back to your kingdom, also the minimum required level to enter the arena is level 10; OX Quiz updated according to this patch notes, 5 more new questions available; Auto announcements on chat every 30 minutes & new announcements when someone level up or join the server; Baby Azrael pet was removed from item shop due to player's mistake while purchase and not paying attention to the description, if you want to have this pet contact us; ...to be continued...

Part of this patchnote comes the nerfed weapons. see more here

Patchnote 0.0.6 - A new path!

Dear players,

In today's patch we're gonna present all the changes available until now, this patch notes focuses on your suggestions and quality of life changes.

Let's begin with the news.

Follow me This system offers you the possibility to see where your team mates are, on the big map. This works only in party group if your team mates are on the same channel & map as you. Image

Renewal of character window We have implemented a bonus window to let everyone know about the bonuses they have, we also made it more intuitive and user friendly, this means your bonus page is located on the same page as character status. Image

Scroll feature Make everything more easy with this new feature, you won't need to focus on the scroll bar anymore, just use the mouse wheel and have fun, at the moment it works with bonus page, pm and chat, more to come according to your suggestions and feedback. Image

Weapons & other changes (posted on discord) Swords Lv. 15 Bamboo Sword - now has 15 half-human max; Lv. 36 Bastard Sword - now has up to 40% esoterics;

Two-hand swords Lv. 15 Spider Spear - now has 15 half-human max;

Bells/Fans Lv. 20 Golden Bell - has up to 20% orcs; Lv. 15 Crane Wing Fan - now has 15% half-human max;

Armor/Helmets Ninja helmets - now give now 3-5% more monsters on +8/9 compared to previous patch; 54 and 61 warrior and ninja armors - now also have magic resistance like the lv 70 armors, however the amount is lower;

Waters Sim, Dock, Zin, Mong & Hwal Waters are now active for 10 instead of 3 minutes; Mong Water gives 12% instead of 10% magic resistance;

Website Updates The OldMetin2 Website and it's services will be moved to another website soon https://om2.org/, you don't need to do anything, because the main website will redirect you to the new domain name, when everything is ready.

Client changes Discord notification status was activated, now other people are able to see whenever you are playing OldMetin2.

That's all for now, if you have any questions or problem regarding this patch notes, please contact us via all available channels.


Your OldMetin2 Team.

Patchnotes 0.0.7

Dear players,

The Old Metin2 team constantly works to improve the quality of life & gameplay of the server, aswell as including your opinions & suggestions before we make changes. Old Metin2 makes some improvements in our way, to ensure that we have original content in both the gameplay & systems we bring. We're doing our best to make the most important decisions for upcoming changes, to perfectly combine the classic, oldschool gameplay, that increases the quality of life while playing. This patch notes bring a few changes based on your feedback, for both the quality of life and gameplay.

Drop changes: Drop of Soul Stone of Ghost Tree Lord was reduced, due to it's high chance of dropping (sometimes x2 pieces). Pumpkin drop from the Halloween event; x5 Blue Potion (M) x5 Red Potion (M) Blessing Scroll Clam Zen Bean Concentrated Reading Exorcism Scroll Enchant Item Reinforce Item Passage Ticket Silver Bar (50,000 Yang) Stone Handbook x3 Critical Strike x3 Piercing Strike Experience Ring x5 Bravery Cape Random Skill Book Shinsoo Linguistics Chunjo Linguistics Jinno Linguistics x5 Pomegranate Juice Fixes: Feather Walk (skill for Ninja) fixed the missing icon. Book Day event was fixed, you can now exchange books during the event, please check with the forum for more details about this event. Some other fixes was released with this patch notes, to improve the client stability and reduce spontanous kicks. Characters limit for PM window was raised from 16 to 24 characters because of a problem, with the limit of characters, now you can PM anyone without any problem. Fixed a problem regarding the guild owners, if you are a guild owner and lost your leadership after the servers fusion, please contact us immediately and we will assist you recovering it. New features: You can sell a item to a NPC faster, just hold shift and right click on the item you want to sell. Chat window got a slightly new design with advanced filters, for example: you can now lock yang spam on chat whenever you want to. There are few more options you can do, discover them after patch. Skill Books that you drop on the floor (metin stones, chests, normal drop from inventory) will now display the name of the book, instead of default name 'Skill Book'. The client loads more faster now while login or going to other maps. The time for some items elapses in real time, while you hoover the mouse over the item, this feature will be extended to other items in next patches. The total play time will now display in days, hours, minutes, instead of minutes while you're vieweing character select menu. Costume window was implemented, to make sure you're now able to manage your hairstyles, this window will be also used to wear the upcoming mount patch. Gameplay changes: Books of Missions rewards were improved, to make it more challenging and worthy to make the missions, here are the most important drops that we added, aside of items that we already know that this missions can give; Easy Mission Book 10 DR Voucher 3.8% chance; Green Changer 5 % chance; Green Adder 6.5% chance; Inventory Expansion 2.6%; Various Uppitems 81%; Normal Mission Book 10 DR Voucher 3.8% chance; Green Changer 5% chance; Green Adder 6.5% chance; Inventory Expansion 2.6%; Various Uppitems 81%; Hard Mission Book 10 DR Voucher 3.75% chance; Changer 2.5% chance; Adder 1.2.5% chance; Blessing Marble 1.25% chance; Stone remover 2.5% chance; Inventory Expansion 2.5%; 1x Sun Zi 7.5%; Various Uppitems 78.5%; Expert Mission Book 10 DR Voucher 3.75% chance; Changer 2.5% chance; Adder 1.2.5% chance; Blessing Marble 1.25% chance; Stone remover 2.5% chance; Inventory Expansion 2.5%; 1x Sun Zi 7.5%; Various Uppitems 78.5%; Miscellaneous: You are NOT able to sell +9 items anymore, because of the fast sell function. This change comes to make sure you won't sell +9 items by accident, however if you still want to get rid of a +9 item, you can always destoy it at Shabby Pedestrian. Halloween event pack was implemented & ready to be used during this year. All metin stones will get a Pumpkin skin during the Halloween event. Jack Pumpkin is now available in all kingdoms (map1/2), next to Octavio, he will assist you during the Halloween event, if you want to exchange Pumpkins for some high valueable items. Autopatcher of the Old Metin2 got a new coding, now it's no longer detected as a virus and the design was slightly changed. The website www.oldmetin2.ro became www.om2.org, more easy to remember and access, this new version will bring some changes in the next patches. The item shop can now be access in game aswell, for a more faster manage. INT, DEX and STR necklaces up to 4+ more in int/dex/str. This items are now tradeable: 20% crit and pierce, researcher elixier, dragon scroll, blacksmith handbook, magic copper ore, stone of the blacksmith. To come... A new Halloween theme pet along with this season event stones & items to boost you even further on this adventure, get ready for this weekend start, of the Halloween event! During the Halloween event, we have prepared some surprises in our item shop, however you can obtain those items in game aswell, by playing. Halloween event will be available starting with this weekend, till the end of the month, during this time you can drop Pumpkins everywhere in the game, you can either open Pumpkins to get random items, or collect & exchange them at Jack Pumpkin!

That's all for now, this patch notes will be updated as soon as we finish the work for next changes. If you have any problems, please contact us immediately!

With love, Your Old Metin2 Team.

Drop changes: Setaou Leader drop was adjusted, because it didn't drop as it should. Ice Witch & Ice Mighty Witch drop was adjusted & added: x2 Enchant Item. Reinforce Item. Researcher's Elixir. Red Monocle (rare). Fixes: Fixed sales in shop for some items that should be able to be sold. Miscellaneous: Scroll of the Location added at General Store Saleswoman, x10 for 150.000 Yang each piece (10x 150.000 = 1.500.000 for 10).

Drop changes: Ice Witch & Mighty Ice Witch drop refined, stones +4 removed from her drop to give value back to stones and a chance to sell to low level farmers. Captain Yonghan drop refined and added x2 Enchant Item & Reinforce Item at his drop. Setaou Leader drop was fixed. Fixes: Selling Price of fast sell system was removed, to keep the normal Price system instead (when you hoover the mouse over a item, you will see the real selling price of a item). Goddess' Doll will now block exp reciving even if you are in a party. You are now able to buy all items available at Jack Pumpkin. Miscellaneous: You can now see both bonuses of Halloween Candy-Stone.

Fixes: No more random channels crash, the problem with items that were on the same socket slot in inventory/storekeeper was fixed. No more two core / channel, people can't kill Mighty Ice Witch two times, on the same channel anymore.

Fixes Spawn of Dark-Ghost Leader after you kill Dark Leader works now. (EVENT) Spawn of Elite Dark-Ghost Leader after you kill Elite Dark Leader works now. Spawn of General Yonghan after you kill Captain Yonghan works now. Spawn of General Huashin after you kill Captain Huashin works now.

Item Changes Level 70 Fan gives more Casting Speed and gives up to 15% Intelligence at +9. Level 21 Warrior and Sura helmets receive 5% walkspeed at +9 and 3% at +8. Level 41 Warrior and Sura helmets receive 7% walkspeed at +9 and 5% at +8.

Others Description for items updated according to this patch (i.e. water potions). Water Potions time reduced from 10 to 5 minutes (it was too OP).

Trade Ability Atribute Asset and Blessing Engraver are now at least droppable. (issues remain with selling…)

Mission Books Changes for rare rewards have been increased

New Items Boney pet - this wondeful companion is available only during the Halloween event. Duration of 30 days, it gives +10% monsters and 800 HP. You can obtain Boney from item shop for only 200 DR or in-game at Jack Pumpkin in exchange of x200 Pumpkin. This pet won't be available anymore, after the Halloween event is over!

Pumpkin Tuxedo & Pumpkin Dress - costumes that are available only during the Halloween event. Duration of 30 days, it gives +10% monsters and 800 HP. You can obtain Pumpkin Tuxedo & Pumpkin Dress from item shop for only 200 DR or in-game at Jack Pumpkin in exchange of x200 Pumpkin. This costumes won't be available anymore, after the Halloween event is over!

Pumpkin Mask (M/F) - hairstyles that are available only during the Halloween event. Duration of 30 days, it gives +10% monsters and 800 HP. You can obtain Pumpkin Mask (M/F) from item shop for only 175 DR or in-game at Jack Pumpkin in exchange of x75 Pumpkin. This hairstyles won't be available anymore, after the Halloween event is over!

Dear everyone, The server just had a short maintenance, the Jack Pumpkin went back to the dark until next year's Halloween Event.

What's new? 🎅 The Christams event pack is now ready, the event will be turned on soon. Items changes: 👚 Armours: All Lv 80 Armours receive base "+HP" (up to 2500)

👒 Helmets: All lv 80 Helmets receive base "Strong Against Halfhuman" (up to 12%)

👟 Shoes: All Beran Seatau Shoes are now from level 80-86.

King Fisher Shoes receive base "Strong against Monsters" (up to 6%) Euphoria Shoes receive base "Pierce chance" (up to 12%) Glory Boots receive base "Critical chance" (up to 12%)

As usual, more fine tuning may be expected if items are too OP or still useless. 🧴 Green Dews gives a little bit more Magic Resistance by default. 🏳️‍🌈 Same gender characters are now able to use mutual emotions (soon marriage will be possible between same gender characters aswell). 🎄 Christmas Tree and 🎅Santa Claus are now available for event. The tree is in the middle of the city and Santa is to be found where Jack Pumpkin was. You can now start to ask 🎅 for Mulled Wine and a 2h pet daily, those items will give you a small boost to help you along the way and fight aganist the Winter. Shocks will be available to be exchanged at 🎄 5x for a 🎁 Christmas Chest. You can obtain valueable items from this gift. 🎅Santa Claus can give low level players, in exchange of 🧦 experience and other valueable stuff, the main target remains, however, the Christmas Tree this year. Exchange Shop 🧦 for items, like the halloween pumpkin will be available soon, with different items that are high in value. The 🎁 Christmas Chest contains a lot of valueable items too, so don't miss it out!

🎆 15 November the rates will be 50% whole day + all day drop event & a astonishing offer in item shop, all this to celebrate my (Okami b-day), about 21:00 clock we can expect a metin rain & boss invasion in the Sohan Desert. After that, we will start the Socking to test it. That's all for now. With love, Your OldMetin2 Team.

Special Thanks [TGM]Marmo for constant working aganist yang inflation & items balance.